MPDX Quick Reference Guide: Reports
- Displayed at the top are Goal, Average, and Committed.
- Below the progress bar, is the Multi-Currency Legend.
- There is also a bar graph of the fiscal year, from the current month (i.e. May 2024).
- Click on any Monthly Bar (dark blue) to see a total.
- You can click on Previous Month or Next Month buttons to see Donation reports for different months
Current Monthly Report
- Under the Donations section, is the current month's activity, i.e., May 2024.
- Each Contact Name is a hyperlink to that specific contact.
- Click on the Previous Month or Next Month buttons for other monthly reports.
- Click on the Pen icon to edit a donation.
Scroll to the bottom of Donations to see the Total Donations given for the month.
14-Month Reports
14-Month Report Partner Currency vs. Salary Currency
There are two Reports titled 14 Month Report available to staff: Partner Currency and Salary Currency
- The 14-Month Report - Partner Currency is useful for missionaries who use MPDX that have ministry partners, or contacts, giving in multiple currency types.
- The 14-Month Report - Salary Currency shows the Partner contributions by Salary Currency, or the currency in which you are paid by your organization.
The report will update every 24 hours as donations are added by donation services.
- “Salary Currency” can be adjusted under the Settings drop-down under “Preferences,” then “Account Preferences,” then “Default Currency.”
- Click Expand Partner Info for more details.
- Click on Export CSV for a spreadsheet report
- Click on Print to print the full 14 Month Report
NOTE: You may need to adjust your printer settings to see the full report correctly.
Designation Accounts
Both U.S and International Staff use a designation number for the processing of donations.
U.S. Staff use a designation number for the processing of their donations. This will result in donations automatically syncing to MPDX. The ‘Cru United States of America’ organization will by default show in MPDX when you click on ‘Connect Services’.
International Staff use an international designation number for donations that are processed in the NetSuite financial system. The international staff must be set up in NetSuite to be able to view donations in MPDX. As long as the email address that is used for NetSuite matches the email address used to sign into MPDX, the donations and Responsibility Center for the country will show in MPDX. By default, the country (organization) will show in Connect Services
Some international staff also receive donations that are processed in Cru’s donation system. As long as the U.S. designation number is added to our Okta system (Cru’s single sign-on system), the donations will show in MPDX and by default, the ‘Cru United States of America’ country (organization) will show in Connect Services.
- Use Filters or the checkboxes to the right of each account to narrow the accounts you see
- There is a “Last Synced” date associated with each account listed.
Responsibility Centers
The Responsibility Center shows both the income and expenses for the international staff person.
- The international staff person must be set up in NetSuite to be able to view Responsibility Centers in MPDX.
- There is a separate Responsibility Center for each Country designation.
The email that is used to log into NetSuite must match the email address used to log into MPDX. Otherwise, the Responsibility Center will not sync to MPDX.
The Responsibility Center is located under the ‘Reports’ tab.
- The balance for the specific designation is located on the top of the page.
- Click on ‘Summary’ to get monthly totals of the income and expense
When you click on the month or amount from the Monthly Summary, you will be taken to the breakdown of the transactions for that month, or just click on the ‘Transactions’ link.
Expected Monthly Total
This monthly report (current month) is divided into two sections: Donations This Month and Possible Partners This Month. This report aims to show you what you can expect in the way of financial gifts based on the information about contacts and donations you’ve entered in MPDX.
Expand or collapse the Donations So Far This Month or Possible Partners This Month dropdown menus, then scroll to see the list of Contacts.
When a partner’s name is clicked their “Contact Page” will open.
Partner Giving Analysis
See an analysis of partner giving history with stats like Gift Total, Gift Count, Gift Average, Last Gift Amount, Last Gift Date, and Lifetime Total.
Use Filters to narrow the list of ministry partners included in the analysis.
Coaching Report
The MPDX coaching report is for MPDX Users, MPD coaches, and supervisors to have a way to easily see and track the MPD progress of another MPDX user who has opted to “share” their MPD progress tracked through MPDX.
The Coaching Report Includes:
- The Monthly Activity Graph from the Dashboard showing
- giving for 13 months
- Committed versus Received giving for 13 months
- Appointments and Results for the current week and three previous weeks
- An Activity Summary of the current week and three previous weeks
- Contact Tags added in the last 6 weeks
- Task Tags added in the last 6 weeks
- Activity for the current week
- Outstanding Recurring Commitments
- Outstanding Special Needs
- Weekly Report record (this report
NOTE: An invitation to share Coaching access does NOT give the coach the ability to update or alter your MPDX account and information. It simply allows the coach to view the number of calls, appointments, and overall trend of reaching the MPD goals set.
NOTE: A coach will NOT be able to see the names, contact information, donor ID number, or any personal identifiable information of any ministry partner. A person viewing their own Coaching Report WILL be able to see the names, contact information, donor ID numbers, and personal identifiable information of ministry partners.
To understand the Coaching Report as Cru Staff being coached: For Those Being Coached
To understand the Coaching Report as an MPD Coach or supervisor: For MPD Coaches, Team Leads, and Supervisors.