Manage Accounts

Managing your accounts in MPDX is facilitated within 3 main categories:

Manage Account Access, Merge Your Accounts, and Merge Spouse Accounts.

If you maintain multiple MPDX Accounts, the Manage Multiple Accounts article will help you understand the different account settings and decide when and when not to merge accounts.

To find your Manage Accounts options:

  • Click on Settings and select Manage Accounts

  • Click on the Drop-down Arrow to the right of the applicable option.

Manage Account Access

You can share MPDX account access with other staff such as your MPD coach or your spouse. If you have already shared your MPDX account, those names will be listed under the Account Currently Shared With section.

  • Click the red Delete button to remove a specific person from account access.
  • Type in an Email Address and click Share Account to grant access.

Merge Your Accounts

You can merge personal ministry accounts from multiple countries into one account that shows donations in multiple currencies.

  • Only merge Personal Donation Accounts, i.e., Staff Accounts.
  • This merge will affect account access for all MPDX users who share this account.
  • This merge cannot be undone.
  • Do not merge ministry accounts (organizations).

  • Select the Merging From account by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right.
  • Next, select the Merging Into account.
  • Click on the I accept checkbox and then click Merge. NOTE: You can't accept an MPDX invite to access another account list on a mobile device. This can only be done through MPDX Web.
  • NOTE: This account merge cannot be undone.

Merge Spouse Accounts

If you get married, you can choose whether to share or merge your MPDX accounts. To share your account with your spouse visit the Manage Account Access dropdown menu. To merge your separate MPDX accounts into one account, visit the Merge Spouse Accounts dropdown menu.

  • Type in your spouse's Email Address and then click Share Account

  • Pick the account you want to Merge Accounts with, i.e., your spouse's staff account.

NOTE: Both the husband and the wife will invite one another to Share Account. Only one person needs to initiate Step 2 and Merge Spouse Accounts.

  • Select the Merging From account by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right.
  • Next, select the Merging Into account.
  • Click on the I accept checkbox and then click Merge.

NOTE: This merge cannot be undone.