Tasks: Lookup with Filters and Tags
To find the Tasks Filters menu, go to the “Tasks” tab and click the icon to the left of the “Search Tasks” field. Hide the menu again by clicking the “x” in the top right corner.
To filter Tasks by “All Tasks”, “Overdue”, “Completed”, “Today”, “Upcoming”, or “No Due Date” use the Tasks bag located under the “Search Tasks” field.
Lookup with a Single Filter
When you add a Filter you will see the number of filters applied appear after the Filter menu title i.e “Filter (1).” For this example, we searched by the Action of “Thank.”
Lookup with Multiple Filters
When you add multiple Filters you will see the number of filters increase after the Filter menu title i.e. “Filter (2)”. For this example, we searched by the Action, “Thank” and a Date Range Search of 1/1/23 to 6/28/23.
Most Used Filters:
Tags are one way to narrow down your contact list within MPDX. A single tag or a combination of tags can be used to display a specific group of contacts.
To learn more about how to apply tags to contacts, see the Tags for Tasks: Add, Remove, Edit, Delete article.
Lookup by a Single Tag
- Under Tags, click on a single tag (i.e. 2022 eoy ask). Your list should show only tasks who have this tag.
Lookup by Reverse Tag
For Tags, searching for all contacts who DO NOT have a tag can be of use. For instance, say you have created a “tntconnect” tag. A reverse search of this tag will pull up a list of all contacts in your MPDX that you HAVE NOT labeled with this tag.
- Under Tags, click on a single tag (i.e. tntconnect). Your list should show only contacts who have this tag.
- Click on this single tag again. It will turn from blue to red. Your list should now show only contacts who DO NOT have this tag.
- Click on this tag a third time to deselect this tag as a filter.
Lookup by Multiple Tags
- Choose multiple tags to further narrow your search.
- In the example below two tags are selected: “vancouver summer 2019” and “tntconnect.”
Saved Filters
Once the filters have been applied, you can save it for future use.
- On the left, scroll up until you see the number of Filters Applied, i.e. Filter (2)
- Below the applied filters, click on Save Filters button.
- Type in a Filter Name (i.e. Year 2022 Thanks) and click Save.
- Refresh your page, then scroll down to see the filter you just saved.
Lookup By Action
When you Add or Log a Task in MPDX, the “Action” is the type of MPD action taken. For example: “Contact for Appointment”, “Appointment”, “Email”, “Talk to in Person”, “Newsletter - Physical”, etc.
You can filter search by a specific Action type to see a list of ONLY tasks of a certain type. Or select multiple Action types to further filter your list by either clicking and typing another Action or by selecting another from the dropdown menu. For example: filter by Action type “Appointment” to see a list of all current and previous “Appointment” Tasks.
NOTE: Reverse Filters
It can be helpful to search by “Reverse Filter.” Which is a search for all tasks that DO NOT have the selected filter. For instance, say you would like to see a list of all tasks that ARE NOT “Appointment” tasks. A reverse search of this filter will pull up a list of all tasks in your MPDX that DO NOT meet this criteria.
- Click the reverse arrow icon to the right of the selected filter.
- The filter will turn red.
- Click the reverse arrow icon again to turn off the reverse filter.
“See More Filters”
- Click “See More Filters” to expand the filters menu beyond the most used filters.
- Click “See Fewer Filters” to return to the simplified list of the most used filters.