Importing contacts from MissionHub
Importing a list from MissionHub
One of the benefits of using both MissionHub and MPDX for your local ministry needs is the ability to keep a list of former members of your ministry, and keep them informed and involved long after graduation.
To do this, we will export our list of graduating seniors from MissionHub, to then import to MPDX:
Go to your organization, select your contacts to export, and click the export icon.
Next, we will need to import our list to MPDX.
First, ensure you have the correct account list selected in the top right corner. Then, under Tools, select Import from CSV, and import the list that you exported from MissionHub.
Note: we recommend adding a tag to the imported contacts stating the year of graduation. This will allow you to keep track of different classes through time.
Now, the alumni of your ministry can continue hearing about what God is doing at their Alma Mater for years to come.