Manage Contacts
You will only be able to follow the instructions below if you have received an invitation to manage an organization email and accepted it. If you would like access either ask an existing administrator or send a request for access to If you have accepted multiple organization invitations you will also be able to filter by one or many organization to search by in the top right.
- Click on the Settings button and select Manage Organizations.
- On the left hand side drawer under Manage Organization click on Contacts.
- Add organizations to filter by and type something to search by in the Search Contacts field.
- You'll then see a list of contacts that match the search criteria.
- If the contact was added by donation services you'll be able to anonymize the contact by clicking on the red Anonymize button. This will remove all personally identifiable information from the contact. You should only do this if you have received a specific request from the donor to remove their information from any system. This is common in the European Union with Right to be forgotten requests organizations can sometimes received. This feature does not remove donation information or donor numbers, rather it just removes email addresses, addresses, phone numbers and anonymizes the contact name. You are responsible for informing your user that this has happened.