Import Google Contacts

MPDX has an import tool for your Google contacts to help keep your donor information up to date. 

Note: This is a one-way import FROM your Google contacts INTO MPDX.

Importing Google Contacts

  • Go to the Tools tab, scroll down and click on Import from Google

If you haven't connected Google Account yet, follow these instructions under Connect External Services on how to connect it to MPDX.

Import All Google Contacts

You can choose to import ALL of your Google contacts to add every single contact from your account.

  • Click on the Import All Contacts radio button.
  • Add a Tag, i.e., Google Contacts, so you can filter on the contacts being imported.
  • Select the This import should only fill blank fields... option (recommended).
  • Then click the Import button.

Import Select Google Contacts

You can also choose to import certain groups from your Google contacts. 

  • Click on the Only Import Contacts From Certain Groups radio button.
  • Click the checkbox next the Group(s) names you want to import.
Note: Click on this link  Create Groups in Google Contacts for how to details. 

  • Create a Tag (optional) for the import to filter on these imported contacts.
  • Click the Check All button to select all Google groups.
  • Click the Uncheck All button to deselect all Google groups.
  • Select the import type of fill in or override fields in current contacts.
  • Click the Import button.

Import Confirmation

After you click the Import button, MPDX will confirm that the import has begun. You will receive an email notification when the import is complete.