MPDX Quick Reference Guide: The Dashboard

The Dashboard

Monthly Goal Thermometer

The thermometer is designed to make it easier to measure your personal MPD “health” and see the key percentages and amounts are now discretely displayed below the thermometer graphic.  There are 4 key metrics:

  • Goal: The monthly MPD Goal entered in your MPDX Settings
  • Gifts Started: How much money in gifts have come in during the current month and what percentage that amount is relative to your goal
  • Commitments: How much money in gift commitments you have for the current month and what percentage that amount is relative to your goal
  • Below Goal: The gap between your monthly commitments and your monthly MPD goal

There is a link to access a list of partners with “Gifts Not Started” so you know who needs to be reminded to send in that first gift.

NOTE: When viewing the full list of Gifts Not Started, you can click a contact's name to go to their contact page and edit information. Changes must be done manually by visiting the Details tab, under the Financial section. The Commitment Received drop-down is a freely editable field. The system does NOT change it automatically when a contact begins a gift, or stops a gift. The MPDX user must mark the commitment received "Yes" or commitment received "No."

Account Balance

You can click the “View Gifts” link to view all of the financial gifts you’ve received in the current month (or scroll to see additional with the ability to view previous month’s donations as well).

Monthly Activity Graph

  • Displayed at the top are your Goal, Average, and Committed amounts.
  • The Monthly Activity Graph shows your monthly giving totals for the year, from the current month.
  • There are 3 lines that show your MPD Goal (blue), Average Monthly Giving (gray), and Committed Giving (gold)
  • Hover your mouse over any monthly bar (gold) to view that monthly total
  • Click any monthly bar (gold) to open the Donations Report for that month

To Do This Week

Partner Care - Prayer
  • The PRAYER list is a collection of all created “Prayer Request” Tasks
  • Click on the circle to the right of any of the partner names to finish (log) the task associated with that contact. You must finish (log) the task in order for it to disappear from the PRAYER list.
  • Click the VIEW ALL option to see all of the Prayer Request Tasks in MPDX

Partner Care - Celebrations
  • Weekly Birthdays (cake with candles icon) and Anniversary (two rings icon) will be displayed in this section. This list includes celebrations 1 week back and 3 weeks forward from the current MPD week.
  • If you click on the contact name or celebration date, MPDX will take you to that partner’s contact page.  
  • If you click on the icons, MPDX will create an ADD TASK (that you can update) to wish the contact a happy birthday or anniversary.
  • Click the VIEW ALL option to see all of the Celebrations associated with this week
  • A Birthday and/or Anniversary can be added by visiting the People tab within a Contact’s page and selecting Edit. Under the Details tab you will see the Birthday and Anniversary options.

Tasks Due This Week

This list includes all tasks (except for prayer request tasks) due this week. It will display the 3 most “pressing” tasks in your list (that is, they are overdue or due to be done today).  As you mark these tasks finished, the list will refresh to include more tasks from your overall task list (if more than 3 exist).

  • Click on any partner name to edit the Task for that contact
  • Click on the circle to the right of a partner’s name to finish (or log) that task

Clicking on either the contact name or task description will bring up the EDIT TASK modal shown below. This modal allows you to update key task information, including Due Date & Time and Notification details.

There is also a circle to the right of each task that when clicked brings up the FINISH TASK modal. This modal allows you to add details like Result and Next Action and/or click Save to mark the task finished.

Late Commitments
  • Each partner name (i.e. Flinstone, Fred) links to that ministry partner’s contact page
  • Select VIEW ALL to see the complete list of partners with Late Commitments

The date of when you logged your last newsletter is displayed right under the Newsletter drop down list. To add a LATEST log date, “Log Newsletter”  with the Action “Newsletter - Physical”, “Newsletter - Email” or “Newsletter Both” task.

This drop down list provides 3 Options related to sending out a newsletter:

  • Option 1: Log Newsletter will log the date and subject of your latest newsletter.  
  • Option 2: Export Email will export the email addresses of all contacts who are on your email newsletter list.  
  • Option 3: Export Physical will export the data for sending a physical newsletter.

Referrals, Appeals, Weekly Activity


The MPDⓇ Team has recently introduced a shift in language from "referrals" to "connections." The vision behind this shift is: "we want people to connect us with their friends more than refer us to their friends." Though "Referrals" are now formally called "Connections," MPDX uses the term "Referrals." In MPDX: a “Referrer” is the person who introduced you to a new contact and a “Referral” is a person who was introduced by another contact.

  • RECENT: This list includes all referrals entered into MPDX in the last 2 weeks.
  • ON-HAND: This list includes the total number of referrals in MPDX with the status: Never Contacted, Ask in Future, Cultivate Relationship, and Contact for Appointment
  • VIEW ALL: See a full list of Recent or On Hand Referrals.


This section will display the appeal marked Primary (the appeal in your appeal list with the star icon checked). The thermometer shows:

  • Gifts Received: How much money in gifts that have been associated with this appeal and what percentage that amount is relative to your goal
  • Commitments: How much money in commitments that have been associated with this appeal and what percentage that amount is relative to your goal

Weekly Activity

This section displays the amount of Calls, Messages, Appointments and Correspondence tasks you completed for the current week. These numbers update when you Log or Add Tasks within MPDX. 

  • Calls: The total number of Call tasks logged.
  • Messages: The total number of Email, Text Message, Facebook Message tasks logged.
  • Appt Produced: This number changes when a Call or Message task is logged with an “Next Action” - Appointment task. 
  • Appointments: The total number of Appointment tasks logged. 
  • Correspondence: The total number of Pre Call, Reminder, Support Letter, and Thank tasks completed.

There is also a View Activity Details link that, when clicked, takes you to the Coaching Report that your coach or team leader can view for you (if you have set up a coaching relationship with either of those staff members).

The Fill Out Weekly Report link will, when clicked, cause a box with a series of questions to pop up. 

NOTE: If you do not see questions or get an error message like the one below - it means that your MPDX Account is not associated with an organization that has provided questions. If you believe this message is in error contact the help desk at